To go, to the Second Part, of my Main Website: Marie Birch's General Information and Classic British Comedy Website: Part Two, then please go to:

Marie Birch’s General Information and Classic British Comedy Website: Part Two

Test No 8 

Test For the New FTP Server. Fourth Test.

To Tell You A Bit About Ourselves……

My full name is: Lynne Marie Birch Guy. And, I write, under the name of Marie Birch.  

Our Jobs :

I had been, a Part-time Drama Student, and I am also a Part-time Writer.

Our Hobbies/Interests :

Plus, of course, Computers and browsing, the Internet!

A Brief Introduction To:

Marie Birch’s General Information and Classic British Comedy Website

(Come back to this, at a later date! Marie Birch)

(Give Paul credit for this, at a later date!)

*So, why design and build your own Worldwide Web page? It is quite well known, that many use it, to promote their businesses, their interests, or their weird idiosyncrasies! While we are, on the Web, to inform others, about ourselves, we had soon realized, that this can be a little bit tedious for some. But as one of our aims is to demonstrate our use and awareness of the Internet, then getting involved in the nitty-gritty of page design, it is one of the best ways of achieving this object. One aim of ours, will be to bring in any snippets (freeware, pictures, audio, etcetera), that we may encounter and may be of interest, to others. Please feel free to copy them.


For all those budding Astronomers out there, our Astronomy page is here! For those of you who, are into Astronomy, there is our Astronomy page, which is quite informative, if you want to know, all about Dwarf stars, what a Comet is made of, and the Gargantuan Telescope, at Birr Castle, Birr, County Offaly, Ireland. So, if you are into Astronomy, the Web link is:

Lynne and Paul Guy's Astronomy Website



We must not forget the Cat! Jess has been with us, since October 1999.

Our Former Cat: Jess's Information Website

During October 1999, we had acquired, a fairly young Black and White Cat, called: Jess, from the same Branch, and she is a far more, Mischievous Character, than Holly ever was! And just like Holly, we have also Christened her, with the additional name: Beelzebubbles!

But as we have been, ever so grateful to The Cats Protection League, courtesy of our Local Cats Protection League Aldridge and Brownhills branch, especially due to the support, that was offered to us, when Holly passed away, at the time. And for the advice and support, in acquiring, our new Cat: Jess, the Link for The Cats Protection League (this is the Headquarters of The Cats Protection League, and even though, our Local Cats Protection League Aldridge and Brownhills Branch, does offer a quarterly Newsletter, there is no provision for a Website Facility!), still stands!

So, for all of you Cat lovers out there, here is the Web link, for The Cats Protection League Headquarters!

The Cats Protection League


This is your starting point for all of my Web pages, currently under construction! As anyone, who comes across, this Website can see, I do take an interest in Classic British comedies, such as The Doctor series, Mind Your Language, Maid Marian and Her Merry Men, Porridge and Rising Damp, Absolutely Fabulous and Keeping Up Appearances, etcetera.


Unfortunately, due to the terrorist attacks on The World Trade Centre in New York City, New York State, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and the plane exploding in the field, near Shelby, Pennsylvania in the United States of America on Tuesday September the 11th 2001, all of my work, on my web pages, was delayed, for a time, obviously. And for the rest of that very poignant and very touching week in September 2001, I was glued to the television like a zombie, which was due to partial shock, naturally. And for several days after the terrorist attacks, I was absolutely terrified, to go out, at first. And when we did go out, on the following Saturday to Wolverhampton, I cowered at the side of a building, when I heard a plane, flying overhead! And six of my people, from Wolverhampton, were killed at The World Trade Centre in New York City, New York State in the United States of America, and even though I never knew those six people from Wolverhampton, I will never ever forget the sense of bitterness, that I felt, when I saw the flowers and photographs of  those six people from families and friends in St Peter's Gardens, at St Peter's Square in Wolverhampton, for as long as I live! And I said my prayers at St Peter's Church and I also signed the books of Condolence at St Peter's Church, St Peter's Square and at The Civic Centre in Wolverhampton for the American Ambassador. But I was determined, to carry on, no matter what, especially as President Bush, had urged everybody around the World, to carry on, with their day to day business! And even though, the former Mayor of New York City, Rudolph Guiliani urged all New Yorker's, to carry on, with their day to day business, his message, had hit the hearts of people, around the world as well! And even though, half of the New York Fire Department, suffered considerable losses, everybody admired their spirit and determination, to carry on assisting, where the rescue efforts, were concerned, under the most trying of circumstances. And because of their courage and determination, it set a shining example, to people around the world, which has enabled a lot of people to carry on, with their day to day business! And I have resolved to do my best, to carry on, with my work, on my web pages, no matter what! And if you don't do your best to carry on, these evil people will have won, ultimately! But for all of the families and friends, of any of the victims, and all of the familes and friends, of the firefighters of The New York Fire Department, and any American's, coming across this web page, our heartfelt sympathy goes out to you all!

And now we have reached the very First Anniversary of September the 11th 2001. It was very sad to see the families and friends of the victims, at the former site of The World Trade Centre in New York, New York State in the United States of America, naturally. But to a certain extent, it did help to see, that all of the families and friends, of the victims, at the former site of The World Trade Centre in New York, New York State in the United States of America, were obtaining comfort, from one another, at the very least. And even though I was fully aware that the bombed part of The Pentagon in Washington DC in the United States of America, had been rebuilt ahead of schedule, I must say that I was quite impressed with the ceremony to dedicate the new part of the building, especially where the strength and spirit of the Pentagon's military community was concerned, and their determination, not to have their strength and spirit beaten, by these evil people, even though the loss of lives at The Pentagon, was very traumatic indeed. And I was quite surprised to discover, that the Secretary Of Defence: Malcolm Rifkind had helped out, where evacuating the area, was concerned, at the time! And  in the field, where the plane exploded, near Shelby, Pennsylvania in the United States of America, a service was held for the victims, families and friends. And even though President Bush had stated at The Pentagon in Washington DC in the United States of America, that a lot has been achieved since last year, especially where the liberation of the Afghanistan people from the cruel regime of The Taliban is concerned, there is still a great deal of work to be done!

Well all I can say to that is: God Bless America, God Speed, and keep up with the good work!


I have got my very own: Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf Website!

And for or anybody, who may be interested, in having a look, at my Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf Website, then please go to:

Marie Birch's Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf Website: Part One

Marie Birch's Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf Website: Part Two


I also appreciate, that there are people out there, who aren't necessarily fans of Red Dwarf, but they may be interested in Craig Charles' other projects, as well! I have created a page to this end (including a section devoted to his Poetry)! And the Website, in question is known, as my Unofficial Craig Charles Website!

 And please, point your browser to:

Marie Birch's Unofficial Craig Charles Website: Part One

Marie Birch's Unofficial Craig Charles Website: Part Two


For my Unofficial Captain Butler Website, an independent Comedy Series, in which, Craig Charles of Red Dwarf Fame!, had appeared in, during January 1997. And the Former: Captain Butler Comedy Series, had originally, been broadcast, on the English/British/United Kingdom: Channel Four TV Station!

So, for anybody, who may be interested, in my Unofficial Captain Butler Website, then please go to:

Marie Birch's Unofficial Captain Butler Website

For all fans of my Unofficial Craig Charles Website, who are interested, in Craig Charles’, Character Lloyd Mullaney, who features, in the ITV Coronation Street Soap Opera, I have set up a brand new Website, which will be dedicated, to any information, with regard to Craig Charles’ Character Lloyd Mullaney, who features, in the ITV Coronation Street Soap Opera, then please go to:

The Lloyd Mullaney (Coronation Street) Character Profile Website




My husband, Paul and I, are also interested, in the Children’s Comedy Series: Maid Marian and Her Merry Men, written by Tony Robinson of Blackadder Fame, and who also starred, as the Sheriff of Nottingham. And, the series, also featured: Red Dwarf's Cat: Danny John-Jules, who starred, as the Rastafarian Barrington. Unfortunately however, it definitely looks like, Barrington's Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website, has long since, closed down! But for all those Fans, of Maid Marian and Her Merry Men, out there, please do not despair! All, is not completely lost, yet!

Because I have got, every intention in setting up, my very own: Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website, which will be complete, with Programme Details, and a Plot Synopsis, and Episode Summaries for every single episode, of the series! But for the time being, all that I have managed to do, so far, is to sort out, a copy of the Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Episode List, which is better than nothing!

And for now, the Web Link for my Unofficial Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website, is now available, at:

Marie Birch's Unofficial Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website

For all of those Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Fans, out there, who are genuinely interested in my Unofficial Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website, but are looking for far more information about the show, than I can offer at present, due to time restraints, etcetera. And, as all of our Websites are mainly equipped with basic html, and as I really haven't got the space available to display too many images, there is a far better: Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website, which will supply you with all the information about the show, and more than enough images to keep you going, to last you a lifetime!

I had also come across a brand new Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website, which is called The Hideout! The Hideout, includes: Cast Biographies, Cast Interviews, a Wall of Fame Gallery, Behind The Scenes Information, Updates, Wallpapers, Multimedia, a Guestbook, and a Chatroom.

For those of you who are interested in this new Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website, which I would fully recommend, to anybody! Then please go to: The Hideout:

The Hideout


I have decided to set up, an Unofficial Website, in memory of the late Barry Evans, who had starred, in the Doctor in the House/at Large Comedy Series, as: Michael Upton, and as: Jeremy Brown, in the Mind Your Language Comedy Series!

So, if you would like, to find out more, about this actor of Extraordinary Talent! Then please go to:

Marie Birch's Unofficial Barry Evans Website

I am currently in the process of  considering being a Volunteer Presenter, on a local Radio Station, in Wolverhampton, which I am very impressed with! Unfortunately due to ill health, I cannot consider that, at the moment. But if that day ever comes, I would like to promote, Theatre Productions, in my local area, on a ten minute basis, only. I would like to record my work, in advance, in the studio, which any presenter, at the Radio Station, can air, whenever it is convenient, for them, rather than mess about, with their very busy schedules!  More details, to follow very soon! At the moment, however, I am more interested, in promoting: WCR’s Website!

So, for anybody who comes across this Website, and are interested, in going on to the WCR Website, then please go to:

Wolverhampton Community Radio Station

A Link for a Blackadder Website, to be set up, eventually!

Blackadder Fact: A forerunner, to the more common Paper Clip, that everybody, is familiar, with today, had originally been, invented, and patented, in Norway, during 1901, by Johan Vaaler. Lorry load of Paper Clips: Captain Darling, etcetera.



Stafford Classical Guitar Centre - a good example of an effective site which gets its message across.

Virtual Flowers Home Page - send a surprise to an online friend or loved one.

Internet Movie Database - an absolute treasury of infomation.

The BBC - how could we possibly leave them out?

Hubble Space Telescope - containing some terrific astro shots.

Would You - The Ultimate Get Smart Website - the finest hours of Control Agent 86.